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RVEHSA AGM | Elections for Executive and Committee Chair positions

Tue, Apr 25


Virtual (link sent via email)

RVEHSA AGM | Elections for Executive and Committee Chair positions
RVEHSA AGM | Elections for Executive and Committee Chair positions

Time & Location

Apr 25, 2023, 7:30 p.m.

Virtual (link sent via email)

About the Event

At the AGM, we will be electing the following positions for the 2023-2024 school year:

Executive positions and responsibilities:

  • Vice-President(s) - Assists the President; Supports committee chairs with the pursuit of special projects/long term Home & School projects, etc... (approximately 4-6 hours/week of volunteer work)
  • Treasurer - Responsible for overseeing the finances and maintaining the financial records of Royal Vale Elementary Home & School Association. (approximately 2-3 hours/week of volunteer work)
  • Secretary - Chairs all meetings, prepares agendas, drafts the minutes of meetings, etc...(approximately 0-2 hours/week of volunteer work)

Committee Chair positions and responsibilities

  • Beautification - Coordinate activities dedicated to improving the appearance of the school - Ground clean up, Lost & Found box sorting/organizing, Used uniform sale.
  • Hospitality and Welcome - Represent our school at various events, such as Open House, Registration week and incoming new parents' events.  Functions include planning refreshments, baked goods and ensuring active parent participation.
  • Kids Activities - Coordinate and plan Home & School events - Kindergarten meet & greet, end of year party etc...
  • Math and Science - Coordinate special activities math and science related.  Classroom presentation, math and chess competitions, Concordia Science Fair etc...
  • Music - Oversees the high level aspects of the music program
  • Staff Appreciation - Planning, preparation and execution of Staff Appreciation week.
  • Fundraising / Special Projects - Coordinate Fundraising initiatives, assist with coordination and planning of any fundraising requirements or special projects.

If you are submitting your nomination for an Executive position, kindly provide the following information which we will share as an intro during elections at the AGM:

Do you have past experience volunteering for a not for profit organization? If so, please provide the brief information on the organization and the experience.

Have you volunteered or chaired a committee at RVEHSA in the past? If so, kindly include which committees, events or activities you volunteered for.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the Home & School Executive or a Committee Chair, please submit your nomination by emailing by April 18th.

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